Giu Chan Nguoi Tai


Global economic integration brings many opportunities but also many challenges for businesses and workers. One of the biggest challenges of businesses is to attract and retain talented people. With 6 human resources management skills below, business owners will solve the problem of retaining talents.

1. Talent recruitment policy

Where talented people are welcome. Therefore, if your business does not have a clear and attractive policy to attract talented people, it is difficult for you to own talented human resources.

So how is the recruitment policy considered “attractive”? Besides salaries, talented people often rely on the following factors to choose an anchor at the business:

  • Interviewer: sympathy and the same idea that the interviewer and the candidate will be one of the decisive factors that make the applicant make a decision. If then, they are having many similar choices, surely the sympathetic interviewer will make your business more favorable.
  • Working environment: The first impression of the working environment will make the candidate build for himself an emotional view of what he will do in that environment in the future. Therefore, the open working environment, more trees, open spaces will be more candidates selected.
  • Reputation of the business: often the candidates will favor large-scale businesses. Because they assume that big businesses will have a clear organizational structure, clear division of work, methodical workflow, contact with many large customers, and experience large case studies. Small businesses, unknown names can also rely on these factors to attract talented people.
  • Geographical distance: the distance from home to the office within a radius of 5-7km will usually not be a problem to consider in selecting the business of candidates. But if the geographical distance from the candidate’s residence to the office is more than 10km, it is a problem worth considering. In this case, smart businesses can offer more specific recruitment policies such as travel assistance, home shuttle, late working hours, etc.
  • Working time: for talented candidates, flexible working time will attract more businesses with rigid working time. Therefore, right from the interview, businesses need to let candidates see the benefits of time when joining the company’s staff.

2. Corporate culture

It is difficult to recruit talented people, it is harder to keep talented people. Especially for small businesses, the corporate culture needs to be paid more attention. Corporate culture here includes:

  • The thought of the members of the business: market demand, honesty, self-discipline, cunningness, confidence, creativity, …
  • Tangible culture (work attire, working environment, benefits, rewards, internal dialogue, work life balance, job description, organizational structure, relationships, …)
  • Intangible culture (private dialogue, invisible rules, attitudes, beliefs, world views, moods, emotions, unconscious expressions, unconscious understandings, assumptions, standards, etc.)

Tangible culture is easy to observe, is the surface layer of culture while intangible culture is difficult to observe but has a deeper and more powerful influence than a lot of tangible culture.

The essence of the corporate culture is that the domestic must strengthen its potential, gather the creativity of officials and employees, encourage them to create more profits for the enterprise; Foreign affairs must be accepted by indigenous society.

Corporate culture is expressed at many different levels. The most conspicuous level shows right in daily work but how to report jobs, preserve common assets, language when communicating with colleagues, partners, customers, administrative procedures … The second level is spiritual values ​​that determine what to do, whether your actions are right or wrong, whether they bring benefits or overall damage. This is what business leaders want to receive from employees and must build step by step. The third level is the foundation for the actions that are beliefs, perceptions, thoughts and emotions that are naturally taken into the mind of every individual in the business. These foundation assumptions are the basis for each member’s values ​​and actions. Business culture in an organization has reached the highest level, becoming a religion, which from generation to generation adore and follow.

3. Remuneration

The compensation regime usually includes the following main elements:

  • Salary, frequency of periodic wage increases
  • Benefit: travel, insurance
  • Vacation mode
  • Regime when employees have fun, sick, …
  • Allowance

If the business has a good remuneration, it will inevitably attract talent gathered to the organization. Good ground bird is the meaning of such.

4. Development opportunities

This is a factor that retains talented people, especially attractive to young candidates. Because of an environment with great development opportunities, learning many things not only in its field but also expanding the way people behave, the soft skills needed at work will certainly be the ingot. Large magnets attract a large number of talented people.

In interviewing potential candidates, give them commitments for development opportunities. This commitment is also implicitly expressed through organizational structure, large projects implemented by enterprises, etc.

5. Talented leadership

Nothing attracts talented people by giving them the opportunity to work directly with talented leaders in their respective fields. Talented people know that their path will be wider if the side is a good guide. Therefore, there are now many people willing to accept unpaid work or work for low wages, the goal only to be able to follow the study of talented leaders.

If your business meets all of the above factors, you will never have to worry about human resource management issues within your business.

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