Accouting functions in SAP ERP/MES

Recorded by accounting entries:
– In foreign accounting software, accounting is not the starting point but the result of information processing. Every business operation in the production and business process is recorded by an accounting entry on the system.
– Along with the business process is divided into many different stages, the accounting profession is also divided into many pairs of different entries.
Set up intermediary accounts:
– Although this is a difference compared to Vietnamese accounting, but from an economic perspective, the movement of assets and capital in the above operations has not changed.
– To ensure that the balance sheet of the enterprise does not generate much more than the old accounting method, the enterprise may use accounts not belonging to its official account system and consider them as accounts. intermediaries.
Automatic accounting:
– In addition to the general accounting module, perform the entries directly like normal accounting software, all other ERP modules conduct automatic accounting and the 1: n accounting rule or n: 1 not set. Therefore, it is not possible to separate the balances of the accounts according to each reciprocal account.
– This is an important issue for most accountants in Vietnam because we are still used to controlling data in a reciprocal manner.
– However, it should be noted that a big difference between ERP and accounting software is that the journal is generated automatically and is controlled multiple floors through the approval process, so mistakes accounting errors almost did not occur.
Reverse entry:
– With the meaning of a system that best reflects the economic activities arising in an economic organization, the ERP system does not allow users to delete any entries that have been accounted into the system. All the user can do is perform the island entry.
– Because of this feature, users may feel uncomfortable because all their faults are controlled. However, thanks to this feature, accounting data provided by ERP systems is always highly reliable for shareholders as well as partners outside the business.

Benefits of accounting in SAP ERP/MES

Accounting and debt subsystem: General accounting management, account balance control strictly according to the account nature; manage arising, paying debts in the currency of origin.
Monetary, Import – Export Subsystem: Manage revenues, expenditures and balances of original currencies, allowing the conversion of local currency foreign currencies; manage import, export and warehousing documents.
Subsystem Tools and Tax Invoice: Managing each tool and accessories, accessories; Manage each invoice by invoice type, tax type, currency, invoice with many taxes.
Subsystem waiting to allocate and produce: Manage in detail the expenses waiting for allocation, the transfer, automatic accounting of the pending amounts of allocation; Enter the finished product code from the manufacturing process, releasing raw materials for manufacturing
Fixed assets module, projects, contracts: Detailed management of each asset and accessories attached to the property, transfer of assets; Revenue management for each project.
Smart, flexible operation: Data and information are closely linked, accurate, automatically accounted, defined, easy to manipulate, smart lookup, consistent with the characteristics of Vietnamese enterprises. .
Centralized data management: Save time and avoid errors in the synthesis of reports, continuous data synthesis, ensure data consistency and integrity, save investment and maintenance costs.
Management of multi-point and multi-level enterprise model: Can control the data and reports of branches and companies online anywhere and anytime.
Web platform software, cloud computing models: Can work wherever and whenever with fast speed, automatic software upgrades, easy backup and data recovery.
Ability to integrate and expand the system flexibly: Import and export overall data or details in each function, business module in many file formats.
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