Supply Chain

Application of SAP to supply chain management

1. Capture information in real time (Real-time visibility)

ERP solutions help link customers with users, support planning based on actual needs instead of overly optimistic forecasts. Leading retail companies have been using ERP for a long time and it is becoming increasingly popular among businesses.

Today, ERP can provide such detailed support that when someone buys a t-shirt at any Wal-mark supermarket in the world, an order is ready to be sent to the manufacturer of the shirt and Even the fabric supplier immediately.

2. Improve transparency:

Today, you are required to wait for an e-mail notification to run a time-to-promise report. So by tomorrow, you can let customers run a similar report. Why is it so time-consuming? The ERP’s transparent reporting capabilities can help provide customers with current or future availability information. From there, customers can plan their new products based on the availability of your company.

3. Process collaboration:

One of the equally important functions of decentralized functions in ERP systems is the function of cooperation in processes and projects among departments, which is also becoming increasingly important.

In the supply chain, this process can translate into collaboration between businesses and customers on long-term projects or with suppliers on short-term contracts.

4. Managing according to the product lifecycle:

Some products have very short life cycles and vary from day to day. Some products are evolving and getting better. We can use big data to develop products that fit our customers’ real needs.

Imagine if your supply chain ERP system could manage the product lifecycle. Do you have to push additional external data to add conditions to your internal data availability? What secondary variables are involved in the product life cycle data? Seasonal factor? Weather conditions? It can be seen that this information helps your decision making more deeply and accurately.

5. Real-time feedback:

Currently, we have connected smartphones to ERP supply chain through mobile applications. Will we be able to strengthen this connection to make it even more visible to all employees through the installation of a BYOD program (Bring your owin device) for each of your employees.

What data do they have instant access to? The exact delivery location and time can start production. When will a technician be able to visit customers without following a standard time frame? Customers only use the last part before the deadline. Will we have to wait for a call in worry or be able to reproduce the product right away?

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